Super and tax – what changed on 1 July 2024

They say nothing is certain in life except two things – death and taxes. Australians can probably add a third – the knowledge that come the end of financial year, the rules around superannuation and taxation will inevitably change. It can be hard keeping up with all the latest super and tax rule tweaks so … Read more

The power of the core-satellite investing strategy

Discover why having a core-satellite approach to your portfolio is a powerful investment tool.  What is a core-satellite strategy and why is it so powerful? In essence, core-satellite is an investment approach that combines the benefits of index funds—lower cost, broader diversification, tax efficiency and lower volatility— with actively managed funds or other direct investments … Read more

Deeming freeze a win for Age Pensioners

Why the decision to keep deeming rates on hold may be a window for interest rates. In delivering the second reading of the Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2024–25, otherwise known as the latest federal budget, the Treasurer announced that the current freeze on social security deeming rates will continue until 30 June 2025. It was … Read more