Are you an impulsive spender?

Characteristics of impulsive spenders A ‘money mindset’ is a way of thinking about personal finance. Your money mindset can change over time, and it may help explain your spending and savings habits. Understanding this can help you build habits and strategies to better manage your money. If the following applies to you, you might be … Read more

Weighing up the Age Pension and the assets test

Why having less super isn’t necessarily a financial sweet spot for retirees. Millions of Australians aged 67 and over have just received an Age Pension boost as a result of the Department of Social Services lifting its fortnightly payment rates. The full Age Pension rate for singles has increased by $28.10 per fortnight to $1,144.40 … Read more

Adding bonds to your investment mix

Bonds can play an important role in investment portfolios, but what exactly are they, what are their benefits, and how do you invest in them?  What are bonds? Bonds are a type of investment security that enable investors to lend their money to a bond issuer for a set term in return for regular income … Read more